Need Of Cloud Computing And Its Advantages

Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage (cloud storage) and computing power, without direct active management by the user. Large clouds often have functions distributed over multiple locations, each of which is a data center. Cloud computing relies on sharing of resources to achieve coherence and typically uses a “pay as you go” model, which can help in reducing capital expenses but may also lead to unexpected operating expenses for users.

Why cloud networking?

Businesses today turn to the cloud to drive agility, deliver differentiation, accelerate time-to-market, and increase scale. The cloud model has become the standard approach to building and delivering applications for modern enterprises. 

Cloud networking has also played a critical role in the way organizations address their growing infrastructure needs, regional expansions, and redundancy plans. Many organizations are adopting a multi-data center strategy and leveraging multiple clouds from multiple cloud service providers (CSPs).

Assume that you are an executive at a very big corporation. Your particular responsibilities include making sure that all of your employees have the right hardware and software they need to do their jobs. To buy computers for everyone is not enough. You also have to purchase software as well as software licenses and then provide this software to your employees as they require. Whenever you hire a new employee, you need to buy more software or make sure your current software license allows another user. It is so stressful that you have to spend lots of money.

But, there may be an alternative for executives like you. So, instead of installing a suite of software for each computer, you just need to load one application. That application will allow the employees to log in to a Web-based service that hosts all the programs for the user that is required for his/her job. Remote servers are owned by another company and will run everything from e-mail to word processing to complex data analysis programs. It is called cloud computing, and it could change the entire computer industry.

In a cloud computing system, there is a significant workload shift. Local computers have no longer to do all the heavy lifting when it comes to running applications. But cloud computing can handle that heavy load easily and automatically. Hardware and software demands on the user’s side decrease. The only thing the user’s computer requires to be able to run is the cloud computing interface software of the system, which can be as simple as a Web browser and the cloud’s network takes care of the rest.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

Faster time to market

You can spin up new instances or retire them in seconds, allowing developers to accelerate development with quick deployments. Cloud computing supports new innovations by making it easy to test new ideas and design new applications without hardware limitations or slow procurement processes.

Scalability and flexibility

Cloud computing gives your business more flexibility. You can quickly scale resources and storage up to meet business demands without having to invest in physical infrastructure.

Companies don’t need to pay for or build the infrastructure needed to support their highest load levels. Likewise, they can quickly scale down if resources aren’t being used.  

Cost savings

Whatever cloud service model you choose, you only pay for the resources you actually use. This helps you avoid overbuilding and overprovisioning your data center and gives your IT teams back valuable time to focus on more strategic work. 

Better collaboration

Cloud storage enables you to make data available anywhere you are, anytime you need it. Instead of being tied to a location or specific device, people can access data from anywhere in the world from any device—as long as they have an internet connection.

Advanced security

Despite popular perceptions, cloud computing can actually strengthen your security posture because of the depth and breadth of security features, automatic maintenance, and centralized management.

Reputable cloud providers also hire top security experts and employ the most advanced solutions, providing more robust protection. 

Data loss prevention

Cloud providers offer backup and disaster recovery features. Storing data in the cloud rather than locally can help prevent data loss in the event of an emergency, such as hardware malfunction, malicious threats, or even simple user error. 

Data Network – Types and Advantages

Data networks refer to systems designed to transfer data between two or more access points via the use of system controls, transmission lines and data switching. What makes a data network unique from other types of networks is that it is set up to transmit data only.

How does it work? Generally, data networks are defined by their ability to transmit signals via packet switching. The data message is broken down into discrete bits called packets, and these packets are then sent over a digital network that uses an optimal route to minimize lag in data networking speed. Once transmitted, the packets of data are reassembled after they arrive at the destination.

There is a wide range of benefits to using data networks that are worth understanding before you begin to adopt this approach. To start, it’s useful to learn about the top three.

1. Communication

Perhaps the largest benefit of using a data network is its ability to enable fast and seamless communication. Linked computers over a data network can communicate with each other and transfer files without the need for physical transfer media.

2. Collaboration

A data network can enable seamless collaboration between two geographically separated individuals or teams. Multiple users (connected over a data network) can simultaneously work on the same project or document remotely.

3. Resource Sharing

A data network doesn’t require a physical connection to share information. This means that resources such as the internet, storage medium, and printers can be shared between two or more nodes.

Data Flow in Networks

Data communication involves the transmission of digital messages between devices including computers, smartphones, mobile devices, radios and more. The way data is communicated and flows in networks can be classified into “simplex” or “duplex” communication.

In simple communication, data only flows in one direction — from the transmitter to the receiver. This flow, however, becomes bidirectional when dealing with duplex communication, meaning that data can flow back and forth between the transmitter and receiver. 

Duplex communication can also function in full-duplex or half-duplex mode. In full-duplex mode, both the transmitter and receiver work simultaneously. In a half-duplex, only one can function at a time.

Private vs. public: Types of data networks

There are two basic types of data networks: private and public networks. What are the differences between each type of data network?

Private data networks

A private data network is designed to facilitate data transmission between individuals and various departments in a single organization. For companies with offices in different geographical locations, the network can be designed to include these disparate facilities as nodes on the network to allow communication and data transfer via a centralized server. 

This server serves as the main repository for all data files used to facilitate business activities within the organization. Private data networks can be created by provisioning the connections through a communications carrier or by using VPNs (virtual private networks) that reside on a master server.

Public data networks

In contrast to private data networks, a public data network isn’t limited to users and systems within a single organization. It can be accessed by individual and corporate entities anywhere. A public network is set up using multiple servers, communication protocols and cell towers to transmit data over broad distances. 

Typically, users require some type of access credential to make use of the network. Service providers may charge a subscription fee before granting users access to authorized sections of the network to engage in several functions related to the transmission or retrieval of data.

Types of data networks: Other classifications

Beyond private and public categories, data networks can also be classified based on size, physical architecture and coverage area. There are various classifications that you may encounter, including the following.

PAN (Personal Area Network)

A personal area network (PAN) is a network that’s designed to connect computers and devices within a user’s personal workspace.

LAN (Local Area Network)

A local area network (LAN) is a type of data network that uses switches, routers, cables and access points to enable the interconnection of devices and endpoints to internal/web servers within a limited area (such as a building or an office).

MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

A metropolitan area network (MAN) is designed and works essentially like a LAN — but it covers a much larger area. A MAN can be designed to span several buildings and typically covers a metropolitan area or campus.

WAN (Wide Area Network)

A wide area network (WAN) is a collection of LANs and other data networks that share information and communicate with each other over a large area (typically 50 kilometers or more in diameter). The internet is the largest example of a WAN in existence. It relies on a large, complex network of service providers using servers, modems, switches, and routers to provide connectivity to organizations and individuals all around the world.

Satellite network

A satellite network is made up of one central hub and thousands of remote hubs designed to transmit weather data, voice and data to mobile devices, television, telecommunications, radio, navigation information, military surveillance and broadband internet service.

Cellular data network

Finally, a cellular data network is a wireless network where fixed-location transceiver base stations (distributed over land cells) provide each cell with network coverage to enable it to transmit content such as data and voice. Each cell is designated with a unique frequency (or set of frequencies) to avoid communication interference with other nearby cells.

Understanding data networks

Advances and innovations in data networking technology have continually evolved the way data is transmitted and received. Today’s data networks are a true feat of ingenuity — ranging from simple single connections to incredibly complex systems of routers, switches and network hubs. 

IT Automation: Meaning, Use And Type

IT automation is creating software and systems to replace repeatable processes and reduce manual intervention. It accelerates the delivery of IT infrastructure and applications by automating manual processes that previously required a human touch. With IT automation, the software is used to set up and repeat instructions, processes, or policies that save time and free up IT staff for more strategic work. With the rise of virtualized networks and cloud services that require rapid, complex provisioning, automation is an essential strategy for helping IT teams deliver services with improved speed, consistency, and security.

IT automation is a powerful tool that can scale a business, provide significant cost savings, and allow IT staff to focus on strategic rather than administrative work. A wide range of data center and cloud operations can be automated, resulting in faster processes. Thanks to automation, IT environments can scale more quickly with fewer errors and are more responsive to business needs. A fully automated environment can reduce the time to deliver production-ready resources from weeks to less than a day.

Why is IT automation used?

IT automation is useful to replace time-consuming tasks and allow IT staff to keep up with the increasing scale and complexity of IT operations and cloud infrastructure. In a modern IT environment, the speed and scale of services are too much for even a large and dedicated team to manage. IT automation allows teams to operate in a setting where it’s not uncommon to need to (for example) set up and configure thousands of servers.

The potential applications of automation are nearly infinite, but some of the most common ones include:

  • Cloud automation
  • Resource provisioning
  • Configuration
  • Network management
  • Security automation (such as monitoring and response)

How does IT automation work?

IT automation software can perform a range of IT tasks and processes, from simple to complex. For example, automation can be used to create networking or security templates and blueprints and configure applications, and provision production-ready infrastructure.

Recent IT automation trends include the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning (two different but related technologies) to create smarter processes that deal with more unpredictable situations. These technologies are still in their early stages, but they could allow automated processes to learn and improve as they go. Automation tools themselves are also becoming more powerful, allowing IT staff to build workflows more quickly.



Also referred to as hard automation, fixed automation systems carry out a single set of tasks without deviation. Because of its function, this type of system would typically be used for discrete mass production and continuous flow systems. An example of fixed automation equipment would be an automated conveyer belt system designed to increase efficiency by moving objects from points A to B without minimal effort. Just like all other fixed automation system equipment, automated conveyer belts perform fixed and repetitive operations to achieve high production volumes.


As the name suggests, programmable automation runs through commands delivered by a computer program. This means that the resulting processes can vary widely with changing instructions given to the computer through a series of codes. However, as the programming efforts are non-trivial, the processes hence the tasks do not change much. This type of automation is common in mass production settings which produce similar types of products that utilize many of the same steps and tools as in paper mills or steel rolling mills.


Also referred to as soft automation, this type of automation is utilized in computer-controlled flexible manufacturing systems and allows for more flexible production. Every equipment receives instructions from a human-operated computer which means that the tasks can vary widely with changing code delivered to the computer. This type of automation would typically be used in batch processes and job shops with high product varieties and low-to-medium job volume, such as in textile manufacturing.


Integrated automation involves the total automation of manufacturing plants as it is entirely handled by computers and control processes with minimal human involvement. Computers can design the necessary parts, test the designs, and fabricate the parts. Integrated automation, like flexible automation, is compatible with both batch process manufacturing and continuous process manufacturing.

What are the advantages of IT automation?

Increasingly, IT automation is becoming a necessity for enterprises to navigate and manage the complex modern technological landscape. It also has several concrete benefits:

  • Cost savings: With IT automation, fewer labor hours are required to complete routine tasks. Automation can also increase productivity, reduce infrastructure costs by optimizing resource utilization, and decrease costs associated with human error.
  • Time savings: By automating the most repetitive and time-consuming tasks, IT staff free up their time to spend on higher-level tasks.
  • Faster operations: IT automation can speed up data center and cloud operations considerably, reducing service and resource delivery times from weeks to hours.
  • Reduced errors: Automation ensures consistency on a large scale, something that’s impossible to do with individuals completing tasks manually.
  • Better security: Automated processes require fewer humans to view and safeguard sensitive information, which reduces the possibility of breaches. Additionally, IT automation can be used to help IT teams keep up with incident response.

Does IT save money?

IT automation can result in significant cost savings—in both straightforward and less obvious ways. Enterprise IT automation reduces the number of labor hours required to complete tasks, and it can increase IT staff productivity, which is what most people are thinking of when they talk about automation cost savings. But beyond that, it also ensures consistency, reduces errors (saving additional IT staff time that would normally be spent on damage control), improves resource utilization (helping to save on infrastructure costs), and even helps save on security costs by preventing costly data breaches.

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